Expanding Horizons in Health Communication An Asian Perspective

Expanding Horizons in Health Communication

An Asian Perspective

Editors: Watson, Bernadette, Krieger, Janice (Eds.)

Table of contents

Author: Hans J. Ladegaard


This chapter reports on a research project about Indonesian and Filipina migrant worker returnees. Shortly after their return, they were invited to participate in a sharing session with other migrant workers and a researcher about their experiences as migrant workers and about their homecoming. 107 women participated in 30 sharing sessions and all the stories were transcribed and (for some) translated. A large number of the women were (sexually) assaulted while they worked overseas and return to their home countries deeply traumatised. First, the chapter analyses some narrative excerpts in which the women talk about (sexual) assault and other traumatic experiences. The stories are notably incoherent and disconnected, characterised by voids in the narrative flow. This is typical of trauma storytelling but is sometimes used against the women to discredit their stories. Then the chapter discusses the mental health issues involved in these women’s stories and what scholars can do to address them. The findings from the current dataset suggest that hundreds of traumatised women return to Indonesia every year with no access to proper healthcare or professional therapy, and the chapter discusses what can be done to meet these women’s needs.

Keywords Domestic workers   Trauma   Narrative   Mental health


Hans J. Ladegaard


關鍵詞: 家傭, 創傷, 敘事, 精神健康


Hans J. Ladegaard

摘要:本章节报道了一份关于印尼和菲律宾回流外佣的研究。归国不久后,这些外佣就受邀参与一个分享会, 与研究人员和其他外籍佣工分享他们在外务工的经验以及归国的感受。本文共收录了30个分享会,含107名女性外佣。所收录的叙事全数录制,部分已翻译成英文。大量的女性外佣在外务工期间有过凌辱的遭遇,重创归国。该文首先分析了女性外佣就(性)凌辱和其他创伤的叙述。镇邪叙述尽显创伤叙事特征:结构多支离破碎,中间多留有空白。然而此类叙事特征有时也被认为降低了女性受害者的故事可信度。该文还讨论了女性外佣叙事中谈及的精神健康问题以及有效应对方式。现有数据研究表明每年有数以千计的印尼女性受害者归国后缺乏适当的医疗保健服务或专业治疗。本文就这一情况探讨如何保障这类女性受害者的需求。


Authors: Dennis Tay, Jin Huang, and Huiheng Zeng 


Pictures are an innovative resource in the verbal activity of psychological counseling (Ginicola, Smith, & Trzaska, 2012; Malchiodi, 2011). Counselors often guide clients to interpret and explore them as figurative representations of their situation (Stevens & Spears, 2009). Picture-based counseling is, however, under- explored from both clinical and discourse perspectives, with few published guidelines and analyses of the nature of counselor prompts and client interpretations. Informed by metaphor theory, this paper examines 34 counterbalanced matched-pairs of elicited picture interpretations responding to either a topic-present or topic-absent prompt in Mandarin Chinese. Topic-present metaphor prompts indicate a specific topic to be connected to the picture, while topic-absent metaphor prompts do not. The resulting transcripts were coded for five variables reflecting key aspects of metaphor construction—sources, topics, source–topic connections, uncertainty markers, and metaphor signals. Spearman correlations were calculated and compared across the two prompt conditions, supported by qualitative analysis of examples. Results show stronger correlations and by implication greater integration among the variables in the topic-present condition. This suggests that people are better able to contextualize pictorial elements to a specified target topic of discussion. The present findings motivate follow-up research incorporating more direct counseling outcome measures.

Keywords Pictures, Counselling , Metaphor theory, Mandarin Chinese


Dennis Tay, Jin Huang, and Huiheng Zeng

摘要:圖片是心理訪談言語活動中的一种新興資源 (Ginicola, Smith, & Trzaska, 2012; Malchiodi, 2011). 心理諮詢師通常會引導來訪者對圖片進行詮釋和探索, 認為圖片含有比喻意義,反映了來訪者自身的狀態 (Stevens & Spears, 2009)。然而基於圖像的心裡訪談研究在臨床和話語分析領域還非常匱乏,僅有為數不多的已發表文獻引導和分析咨詢師如何協助來訪者對圖片進行詮釋。基於隱喻理論,本文對普通話中不同提示策略(話題提示/無提示)下的圖片詮釋進行分析,使用對抗平衡次序,對數據進行配對組合,共計34組。包含主題提示的隱喻指的是就圖片提供相關的話題,無主題提示的隱喻則不提供相關話題。我們之後對謄本進行編碼,使用了五個變量分別對應隱喻構建的五個關鍵要素即始源,主題,始源-主題交互,不確定性標記,和隱喻信號。對於兩種提示下的圖片詮釋,我們採用斯皮爾曼相關係數進行了計算和對比分析,輔之以對個別樣本的定性分析。結果發現主題提示隱喻手法下的變量間相關性更為緊密,即整合性更高。該結果表明人們對於既定話題下的圖像情境討論更為擅長。該結果鼓勵未來有更多的研究能採取更為直接的方法針對心理咨詢成果進行測量。

關鍵詞: 圖片, 諮詢, 隱喻理論, 普通話


Dennis Tay, Jin Huang, and Huiheng Zeng

摘要:图片是心理访谈言语活动中的一种新兴资源 (Ginicola, Smith, & Trzaska, 2012; Malchiodi, 2011). 心理咨询师通常会引导来访者对图片进行诠释和探索,认为图片含有比喻意义,反映了来访者自身的状态 (Stevens & Spears, 2009)。然而基于图像的心理访谈研究在临床和话语分析领域还非常匮乏,仅有为数不多的已发表文献引导和分析咨询师如何协助来访者对图片进行诠释。基于隐喻理论,本文对普通话中不同提示策略 (话语提示/无提示)下的图片诠释进行分析,使用对抗平衡次序,对数据进行配对组合,共计34组。包含主题提示的隐喻指的是就图片提供相关的话题。无主题提示的隐喻则不提供相关话题。我们之后对誊本进行编码,使用了5个变量分别对应隐喻构建的五个关键要素即始源,主题,始源-主题交互,不确定性标记,和隐喻信号。对于两种提示下的图片诠释,我们采用斯皮尔曼相关系数进行了计算和对比分析,辅之以对个别样本的定性分析。结果发现主题提示隐喻手法下的变量间相关性更为紧密,即整合性更高。该结果表明人们对于既定话题下的图像情境讨论更为擅长。该结果鼓励未来有更多的研究能采取更为直接的方法针对心理咨询成果进行测量。


Authors: Mark Harrison and Phoenix Lam 


The growing incidence of mental health problems in adolescents is a significant global concern. School-based counselling, where a student meets with an individual, trained counsellor a number of times in a school setting, is a common component of holistic mental health programmes to support the well-being of students. In Hong Kong, however, professional counselling is in general not well-developed, and school-based counselling has been severely under-researched. Drawing on data from interviews with 8 counsellors and 25 student clients in local secondary schools, the present study aims to investigate the perspectives of counsellors and clients on the practice of school-based counselling in Hong Kong. Following a thematic approach, the study compares the key themes identified in the reflections of counsellors and clients on their experience of counselling. Similarities and differences in the discursive construction and realisation of themes are examined in detail. Representative examples are discussed in context to illustrate the views from both the service providers and users of school-based counselling. Findings from this study will inform and enhance understanding of how school-based counselling can help to promote the mental well-being of students in the local educational setting and in the broader Asian context.

Keywords    Mental health, Adolescents, School-based counselling


Mark Harrison and Phoenix Lam


關鍵詞: 精神健康,青少年,校本輔導


Mark Harrison and Phoenix Lam


关键词: 精神健康,青少年,校本辅导

Author: E. Angela Chan


Cancer patients suffer from emotional issues and/or distress, for which they require appropriate care. However, effective communication that translates into recognition of patients’ cues/concerns remains an issue. Barriers to effective communication include nurse shortages, time constraints and limited healthcare communication training for cancer nurses. Exploring how nurses fare in communicating with patients by responding to their cues/concerns for emotional and/or informational needs is important. This ethnographic study examined a busy cancer ward and its nursing care as a subculture. Content analysis from patient interviews was conducted, and a statistical analysis of the nurses’ cue-responding behaviours. Findings revealed that despite no emotional counselling, nurses exhibited positive cue-responding behaviours and patients expressed appreciation for this care. This conclusion is striking at a time when nurses stated there was no time to talk to patients and Hong Kong faces a shortage of nurses, even as the emphasis on holistic care is growing. Findings challenge the cultural expectations of emotional care in oncology wards. The perception that emotional care must be addressed separately from the nurses’ everyday physical and technical care is challenged and should be re-assessed with reintegration of the physical with the emotional in the nursing care provided to patients.

Keywords   Nursing, Cancer   Ethnography, Descriptive content analysis


Angela Chan


關鍵詞: 護理,癌症,民族誌,描述性內容分析


Angela Chan



Authors: Wendy Wong, Herbert H. F. Loong, Allyson K. Y. Lee,
Ambrose H. N. Wong, C. H. Sum, Jessica Y. L. Ching,
Justin C. Y. Wu, and Z. X. Lin

Abstract Cancer patients seek help from both Western medicine (WM) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This study explored what patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) in Hong Kong (HK) expect from TCM to WM. Twenty purposively sampled CRC patients were interviewed and audio-taped. Interviews were transcribed verbatim in Cantonese. Data were analyzed using the Interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results showed that CRC patients’ goal expectation on WM was not specific. In contrast, the 16 patients who had used TCM had specific goals that stemmed from their desire or requests for treatment continuation. These expectation differences affected their motivation of compliance to the treatment schedule. The motivation for WM patients came from their faith in biomedicine and family, and the desire to live. The motivation for TCM patients’ compliance came from their belief in TCM and its effectiveness and provision of mental support. Although TCM was not the main treatment cancer patient received in HK, their expectations from it were high. Thus, TCM may be more than palliative in cancer treatment. Perceived WM status may hinder TCM development. More resources to ensure safe and effective interdisciplinary collaboration for the development of TCM cancer treatment can assist patients along the pathway of patients of CRC for effective communication.

Keywords   Colorectal cancer, Western medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine


Wendy Wong, Herbert H. F. Loong, Allyson K. Y. Lee, Ambrose H. N. Wong, C. H. Sum, Jessica Y. L. Ching, Justin C. Y. Wu, and Z. X. Lin




Wendy Wong, Herbert H. F. Loong, Allyson K. Y. Lee, Ambrose H. N. Wong, C. H. Sum, Jessica Y. L. Ching, Justin C. Y. Wu, and Z. X. Lin



Author: Ying Jin

Abstract There has been extensive research on doctors’ preference to foreground the medical frame over the medical interactions, however, little attention has been paid to how different frames are entered and closed at the boundaries of medical talk. Much less is known about the situation in traditional Chinese medicine, causing a great amount of speculation and unwarranted claims. This article uses frame analysis to investigate the opening and closing stages of 45 visits of doctor–older patient consultations in Mainland China, focusing on how participants in both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine practices collaborate in and navigate between the construction of medical and relational frames of talk. All interactions were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Findings reported in this chapter show variations between different clinical practices in relation to sequential attributes and framing priorities. It is suggested that these variations could possibly be explained by broader clinical differences in pathology and philosophy.

Keywords   Medical interactions, China, Frame, Communication


Ying Jin


關鍵詞:醫患會話,中國,Goffman, 溝通


Ying Jin


关键词:医患回话,中国,Goffman, 沟通

Authors: Jesse W. C. Yip and Chenjie Zhang

Abstract Findings from previous research on Western medical consultations indicate that the doctor–patient relationship involved in these consultations is mostly asymmetrical. This asymmetry of relationship is clearly revealed in the analysis of participants’ conversational dominance in doctor–patient interactions. This chapter argues that the doctor–patient relationship in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) consultations may be different with that in Western medical consultations. With audio recordings and transcriptions of 28 conversations between TCM practitioners and patients, this chapter examines the sequential structure of TCM consultations and speech functions of doctors and patients in the TCM context. The findings show that small talk contributes to a more symmetrical doctor–patient relationship because both the TCM practitioners and patient are engaged in it. The prevalence of explanations indicates the feature of patient-centered approach in TCM consultations. Moreover, the statistical test in speech function frequencies of doctors and patients further supports the claim that the doctor–patient relationship in TCM consultations may be more symmetrical as insignificant differences of the frequencies are observed. Based on the analyses, this chapter further suggests that TCM consultations are co-constructed by both TCM practitioners and patients.

Keywords   Discourse analysis, Doctor–patient relationship, Medical consultations, Traditional Chinese medicine


Jesse W. C. Yip and Chenjie Zhang




Jesse W. C. Yip and Chenjie Zhang



Authors: Veronika Schoeb and Adrian Yip Abstract Background: Instruction in exercise therapy aims at patients being able to correctly perform exercises. The analysis of instructional sequences (i.e., questions) examines the achievement of social actions during exercise therapy. This study investigated physiotherapists’ questions for patients’ initiations of exercises and analyzed patients’ verbal and embodied responses, focusing on actions per- formed by physiotherapists’ question designs and patients’ responses. Study findings add to the evidence of underrepresented Chinese population. Methods: Data were collected from two Hong Kong rehabilitation centers. Forty-seven consultations (6 physiotherapists; 16 patients) were video-recorded and analyzed using Conversation Analysis. Interactional features including verbal (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, turn-taking) and nonverbal aspects (e.g., gaze and gesture) were examined. Results: Ninety-eight questions were posed by physiotherapist during the initial phase of exercise. Five categories were identified: invitations, memory check, information seeking, understanding check, or adherence check. Physiotherapists’ questions led to a variety of embodied and verbal outcomes. Implications: The multimodal analysis of exercise instruction demonstrates that initiations of exercises are situated in task-relevant actions. Physiotherapists set the agenda regarding the exercise choice. Overall, physiotherapists and patients orient to verbal and non- verbal resources without precedence from either. The importance of non-verbal communication during exercises is highlighted. Keywords   Instruction, Exercise therapy, Conversation analysis, Chinese
論運動治療教學如何幫助香港物理治療病人展開運動 Veronika Schoeb and Adrian Yip  摘要:運動治療教學旨在幫助病人能夠正確的做運動。分析運動教學順序(例如:提問) 有助研究運動治療過程中社會行動是如何完成的。該研究探討物理治療師如何以提問讓病人開始運動並分析病人回覆中的言語行為和具身行為,著力於物理治療師問題設計與病人回覆所作出的行動。研究結果進一步證實有關方面的知識在中國尚未得到充分認知。方法:數據選自香港兩所復康中心,對47次諮詢(6名物理治療師,16名病人)進行影像錄製,透過會話分析研究會話互動特徵,包括言語 (如:詞彙,語法,輪替) 和非言語特徵 (如:眼神和手勢)。結果:物理治療師在運動初期提出98個問題,共分為5類行動:邀請﹑記憶查看﹑資訊尋求﹑理解檢查,以及依從性檢查。物理治療師的提問導致不同的言語和具身行為。意義:運動教學的多模態分析顯示,物理治療師會就運動的選擇作出安排,以提問讓病人開始運動,當中涉及與任務相關的行動。總括來說,物理治療師和病人使用各種言語和非言語的資源。該研究強調非言語交流在運動中的重要性。 關鍵詞:教學,運動治療,會話分析,中文
论运动治疗教学如何帮助香港物理治疗病人展开运动 Veronika Schoeb and Adrian Yip  摘要:运动治疗教学旨在帮助病人能够正确的做运动。分析运动教学顺序(例如:提问)有助研究运动治疗过程中社会行动是如何完成的。该研究探讨物理治疗师如何以提问让病人开始运动并分析病人回复重的言语行为和具身行为,着力于物理治疗师问题设计与病人回复所作出的行动。研究结果进一步正视有关方面的知识在中国尚未得到充分认知。方法:数据玄子香港两所康复中心,对47次咨询(6名物理治疗师,16名病人)进行影响录制,透过会话分析研究会话互动特征,包括言语(如:词汇,语法,轮替)和非言语特征(如:眼神和手势)。结果:物理治疗师在运动初期提出98个问题,共分为5类行动:邀请,记忆查看,资讯寻求,理解检查,以及依从性检查。物理治疗师的提问导致不同的言语和具身行为。意义:运动教学的多模态分析显示,物理治疗师会就运动的选择作出安排,以提问让病人开始运动,当中涉及与任务相关的行动。总括来说,物理治疗师和病人使用各种言语和非言语的资源。该研究强调非言语交流在运动中的重要性。 关键词:教学,运动治疗,会话分析,中文

Authors: Phillip R. Della, Fazila Aloweni, Shin Yuh Ang, Mei Ling Lim, Thendral Uthaman, Tracey Carol Ayre, and Huaqiong Zhou

Abstract Ineffective communication, during handover, is a major factor in sub- sequent incidents and patient harm. There is a dearth of evidence on the quality of handovers in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual and cohort care setting, such as in Singapore. This is the first Singaporean study aimed to observe, analyse and evaluate clinical handover by nurses. Fifty shift-to-shift handovers were observed and video-recorded. Content and discourse analyses were used and focused on informational, structural and interactional dimensions of handover. Findings revealed that patient safety information was sometimes missed out. The transfer of responsibility and accountability for ongoing patient care was not explicit and poor information framework and flow during the handover process were observed. Some nurses preferred to perform physical assessments prior to handover instead of during or afterwards. Patients’ background and medical history were either not mentioned at handover commencement or excluded. Some nurses appeared apprehensive to bedside handover and had poor patient engagement. Few nurses effectively involved patients or reinforced patient education. Results highlight that nurses need support and training to master some aspects of handover, focused on reducing clinical errors.

Keywords   Handover, Ineffective communication,  Patient harm, Patient safety, Nurses







Authors: Phillip R. Della, Lina Ma, Pamela A. Roberts, Huaqiong Zhou, Rene Michael, and Satvinder S. Dhaliwal

Abstract Background: Despite a significant amount of attention towards the safety and quality of acute care, little focus has been paid to the residential aged care sector, especially in the Asian region. This research aimed to assess the safety and quality culture within two nursing homes in Singapore. Methods: A cross-sectional study used a validated 42-item Nursing Home Survey on Patient Safety Culture (NHSPSC) tool. Minor linguistic adjustments were made to the tool, and its internal reliability was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Results: The Cronbach’s alpha values for the 12 PSC Composites ranged from 0.519 to 0.781, nine PSC Composites were >0.6 (adequate), indicating NHSPSC had acceptable internal reliability in the Singapore context. Of the 12 PSC Composites calculated for the two Singapore nursing homes, six were >90th percentile, four were >75th percentile and two >50th percentile. Conclusion: The NHSPSC tool provided an assessment of residential aged care safety and quality culture of the two nursing homes in Singapore. In general, the staff at the nursing homes in Singapore per- ceived a higher percentile residential safety culture compared to the US Comparative Database. The findings of this study demonstrated the importance of communication openness in residential safety culture.

Keywords   Patient safety, Quality culture, Singapore aged care, Cross-sectional, Communication openness



背景:雖然急性照護的安全性和質量已被廣為關注,但對養老院特別是在亞洲地區的養老院卻鮮有研究。本研究旨在評估新加坡兩所養老院的安全和品質文化。方法:採用橫斷面研究方法,選用經過驗證的養老院中患者安全文化調查問卷(NHSPSC),共計42個條目。問卷語言稍加調適,內部一致性度採用Cronbach’s α 係數評估。結果:患者安全文化量表12個緯度Cronbach’s α係數為0.519至0.781,9個緯度高於0.6(合格),證明NHSPSC在新加坡環境中的內部一致性信度是可以接受的。在用以測量兩所新加坡養老院的12緯度患者安全文化量表中,6組高於前90%,4組高於前75%,2組高於前50%。結論:NHSPSC可用以評估新加坡兩所養老院的患者安全和品質文化。概言之,與美國相比,新加坡養老院的員工展現了更好的安全文化。該研究說明開放性溝通對於提高居住安全文化的重要性。




背景:虽然急性照护的安全性和质量已被广为关注,但对养老院特别是在亚洲地区的养老院却鲜有研究。本研究旨在评估新加坡两所养老院的安全和品质文化。方法:采用横断面研究方法,选用经过验证的养老院中患者安全文化调查问卷(NHSPSC),共计42个条目。问卷语言稍加调适,内部一致性信度采用Cronbach’ s α系数评估。结果:患者安全文化量表12个维度Cronbach’s α系数为0.519至0.781, 9 个维度高于0.6 (合格),证明NHSPSC在新加坡环境中的内部一致性信度是可以接受的。在用以测量两所新加坡养老院的12维度患者安全文化量表中,6组高于前90%,4组高于前75%,2组高于前50%。结论:NHSPSC可用以评估新加坡两所养老院的患者安全和品质文化。概言之,与美国相比,新加坡养老院的员工展现了更好的安全文化。该研究说明开放性沟通对于提高居住安全文化的重要性。

关键词 患者安全, 品质文化, 新加坡老龄护理, 横断面研究,开放性沟通

Authors: Aantaki Raisa, Carma Bylund, Sabrina Islam, and Janice Krieger

Abstract While most cancer deaths occur in Low-to-Middle-Income countries (LMICs), little is known about cancer prevention in such places. Empirical research shows that culturally appropriate and theory-driven communication interventions for cancer prevention can produce expected health outcomes, but how it is done in LMICs like Bangladesh has not been scientifically studied. In this chapter, we conducted a systematic scoping review to reduce that knowledge gap. Out of 985 articles on cancer prevention in Bangladesh, 35 were selected for review based on the selection criteria of covering at least one concept of the transactional model of communication. These articles were coded for the four constructs of the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM): perceived severity and susceptibility of cancer, and perceived response and self-efficacy of cancer screening. Such a limited number of studies demonstrate the lack of research focused on Bangladesh. Only four articles mentioned the need for cultural appropriateness and none included theory. Thematic summary of the articles found that perceived susceptibility of cancer and self-efficacy of cancer screening are low among Bangladeshis. Future cancer prevention campaigns should address these two key factors in message design to improve effectiveness and integrate a sociocultural context that considers its target population.

Keywords   Awareness raising, Cancer, Bangladesh

Author: Louise Cummings

Abstract Public health communications are an everyday occurrence. However, compliance with them and the recommendations they contain is often limited. One reason for poor compliance is the failure on the part of experts to construct public health messages that accord with the rational resources of the public. This chapter examines how one set of rational strategies, a group of cognitive heuristics based on the informal fallacies, has the potential to facilitate decision-making about public health issues. Among the informal fallacies, the argument from ignorance plays an important role in public health communication. A comparative analysis is undertaken of the use of this argument in the public health communications issued by the Department of Health in Hong Kong and Public Health England in the UK. It is argued that there are qualitative differences in the use of the argument from ignorance across these two contexts. Specifically, the public in Hong Kong is encouraged to reflect on epistemic conditions that are integral to the rational warrant of this argument. These conditions are less often acknowledged by public health agencies in the UK. Greater rational evaluation of these conditions, it is argued, leads to better decision-making in matters relating to public health.

Keywords   Argument from ignorance, Cognitive heuristic, Informal fallacy, Public health communication, Reasoning


Louise Cummings




Louise Cummings



Authors: Alice Yau, Margo Turnbull, Daniel Angus, and Bernadette Watson

Abstract Health care is shaped by often complex communication between multiple people such as doctors, nurses, patients and carers. Research has repeatedly shown that effective communication is key to safe and high-quality care yet improving communication remains a challenge across health systems. In recent years, the field of natural language processing has developed analytic tools to supplement the study of verbal communication through visual representation of analysis. To date, these tools have primarily been used on English data. This study used the software tool Discursis to compare visual representations of Cantonese conversational data that were analysed before and after English translation. Results indicate that some linguistic features of Cantonese that carry meaning may be lost in translation into English. Specific concerns relate to the multidimensional issues of equivalence, ranging from cultural and social associations to semantic, lexical and conceptual differences. These results highlight the importance of developing visual analytic tools that can be used on Cantonese data. Generating visual representations of such data contributes to local and international understandings about communication in health care.

Keywords   Discursis, Cantonese, Natural language processing


Alice Yau, Margo Turnbull, Daniel Angus, and Bernadette Watson


關鍵詞:Discursis, 粵語,自然語言處理


Alice Yau, Margo Turnbull, Daniel Angus, and Bernadette Watson

摘要:医疗系统由多方面环环相扣而成,包括医生,护士,病人和看护等, 他们之间的沟通往往是复杂多变的. 大量研究表明有效沟通是构成安全高质医护的关键. 然而, 如何在各医疗体系中推动有效沟通依然是一大挑战. 近年来, 在自然语言处理学科中开发了各种分析工具, 通过视觉表现帮助研究言语交流. 迄今为止, 这些工具主要用于研究英语. 这项研究采用Discursis 软件, 研究粤语会话, 对其翻译成英文前后的视觉图像进行分析对比. 结果表明某些粤语中存在的语言现象翻译成英文后会丢失原本的意义. 具体表现在语言对等的多方面因素, 包括社会文化对语义, 词汇, 和概念的影响. 这些结果强调开发可用于分析粤语的视觉分析软件的重要性. 对此类数据的视觉表现有助于我们理解香港本地以及全球医疗沟通.

关键词: Discursis, 粤语, 自然语言处理